Where is your fire extinguisher?
Where is your fire extinguisher?
Does every household member know?
Do you know where you keep your fire extinguisher(s)? Does everyone residing in your home know? Many homes should have 2 or 3 throughout the home. Among many maintenance checklist items, fire extinguishers are an easy one to forget about.
At Western Home Inspections, our mission is to help families and individuals protect their greatest investment. Often times, a home is the largest purchase of their lives.
Once the initial excitement of owning the home wears off, routine maintenance can fall through the cracks. We all get busy with personal and professional responsibilities, adding home care to the list is not always on the forefront of home owners to-do’s.
Some home owners hire help to clean the home or maintain the lawn. While you might not have a regular handyman visiting the home on a weekly basis, we do suggest season maintenance care. Download our free Maintenance Checklist and start protecting your greatest investment today!
Give your home a little TLC and identify system malfunction or failures before they become a costly repair. Contact us today if have any questions or would like to schedule a Western Safety visit to identify potential hazards throughout your home.